Hi, Friends
Just a little note to introduce to you a wonderful and
talented friend, Elizabeth Gonzalez.
She has beautiful designs and her work
is full of color and texture.
Take a look and see for yourself.

Elizabeth Gonzalez is launching her first e-course based on her 20 years of making ceramics and 16 years of selling ceramics in local stores and successfully supporting herself with her art. She is expanding her art into licensing and surface pattern design and beginning to teach her ceramics and mixed media to other artists. This class promises to be packed full of great content, beautiful videos, and useful business information for getting your work into stores.
The complete course will be completed in 15 weeks. Module 1 will be completed in 10 weeks beginning October 1, 2012 (YOU DON”T NEED TO OWN A KILN FOR THE CERAMIC PROJECTS) and Module 2 in 5 weeks beginning January 8, 2013. The Regular prices from August 1, 2012 will be:
Module 1-$300 Module 2- $200
Registering for both at the same time- $400
AND THE SUPER SALE PRICES for 24 hours starting Monday July 30 12:00pm ET and Ending July 31, 12:00pm ET..are
Module 1: $99
Module 2: $49
This is a 67% discount for Module 1 and a 75% discount for Module 2
If you register before July 31, 12:00 pm ET, the link is:
This E-Course is more than a ceramic or mixed media course. As you learn to make ceramic pieces in Module 1 and mixed media in Module 2 you will learn the how to work in a productive way, how to sell at wholesale prices and how to develop multiple products that keeps you adding more sales to stores.
Company launching: Elizabeth GLz Designs
Website: http://www.elizabethglz.com/
E-Course Information: http://elizabethglz.com/blog/2012/07/yes-the-e-course-is-here-registration-is-open/
Registration after tomorrow: HERE.
Hope you enjoy the journey!
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Thanks for your visit and your comments, love to read them all, they make me very happy!!!